
Day 11, 12/14 2018.明天登機返回台灣


紐西蘭南、北島 12 日


Sudima Hotel Lake Rotorua (羅吐魯阿。

看到紐西蘭保育工作多麼的到位。Rainbow Springs Nature Park (Stick your Beak In.). 


From birds that can’t fly to reptiles that walked with dinosaurs. New Zealand is home to some of the most incredible wildlife.

Join our team from day to night,exploring, enjoying and protecting these natural treasures amongst the native trees of Rotorua (羅吐魯阿).

You will get to meet, feed and be entertained by our amazing residents, while learning some interesting stuff along the way. And best of all. you will be working with us to look offer the future of these natural wonders for generations to come.

 螢火蟲洞穴(Glowworms Cave)鐘乳石巨大岩洞,搭乘人力拉動的小船,觀察由螢火蟲所建構的滿空爍藍,更是另人嘆為觀止。

I am really hold my breath taking.


Christmas Tree In Auckland, New Zealand. 


In Auckland, New Zealand.

今晚住奧克蘭 Grand Millennium Hotel Room No. 233.  市區內已經有聖誕節氣氛。


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